Safety measures and protocols…

1) You must wear your mask at all times.

2) Your temperature will be taken upon entering. 100.4 you will be asked to leave.

3) Hand sanitizer on your way in and out.

4) Sanitizing spray bottles are available for you to clean equipment before and after use.

5) Social distancing is enforced.

6) Equipment is spaced for your safety.

7) Sauna, lockers and showers are closed.

8) Lap swimming sign up is required on the half hour.

9) Parking lot is tented  for outside classes.

10) Class size is reduced for everyone’s safety.

11) We’re asking that gym bags are kept small. The less you bring with you the better.

12) Ongoing cleaning.

Please continue to wash your hands frequently!

Fitness Works Philadelphia is doing everything possible to keep our members and staff safe. Please do your best to follow these regulations so we can all continue to workout at our favorite gym! Thank you!